Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lesson Number Seven: Hunter Pick-up Lines


My next topic is focusing on the hunters methods. (But I will be doing several lessons involving their tactics, seeing as this is a rather broad topic.) Some methods are completely appropriate and show their true devotion and admiration for you. But other methods, the methods I shall be warning you of, display the true shallowness of character in some hunters. We must be on guard at all times...

One method to be wary of is pick-up lines. Cheesy, gushy, obvious pick-up lines.

(For those of you who may not know what a "pick-up" line is, it's basically a stupid way of guys hitting on girls. And if you don't know what "hitting" on girls means, it means that they are flirting with them. No actual physical hitting is involved. And if you don't know what flirting is, basically it is a guy stating his interest in a girl by beating around the bush with a rather large stick. And if you don't know that "beating around the bush" is a metaphor and that I added "with a rather large stick" for emphasis....I PITY YOU!)

Anyways. Here are some examples:

::a girl drops a pack of sugar:: "Oh, you dropped your name-tag."

"Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?"

"If you were a burger at McDonalds, you'd be McGorgeous!"

"Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you."

"I hope there is a fireman around, because your smokin!"

"Are you lost? Because Heaven's a long ways from here."

"Your so hot, that when I look at you, I get tan."

"You float my Ark."

"For you, I would slay two Goliaths."

"Your hair is like a flock of goats, decending from Gilead."

"You shouldn't wear makeup-its messing with perfection."

"I bet your name's Mickey, 'cause you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind."

"I got you a birthday present!"

"Hey baby, I can tell we both love the same things!"

"Well baby what's it like looking at the man of you're dreams?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"

"Hey, I just realized that you look a lot like my next girlfriend!"

"You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae!"

"Do you have a map? Cause I got lost in your eyes."

Whew! And those are just a few. I'm warning you ladies, never fall for pick-up lines like those. If they really care for you, you'd think they'd take more time to concoct a phrase that speaks volumes to your heart - rather than a sentence that speaks volumes of their lack of creativity.

Continue to walk in steadfast ladies. Never let a hunter woo you with one of these lines. It's pretty shallow water in that river... and you shouldn't be splashing. It's rustle and crackle babes, rustle and crackle...

Your fellow leaf rustler,
The Pancake Woman


Sierra said...

Oh I don't know. "You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae!" sounds pretty classy. heh. Not.

Anonymous said...

"Hey baby, I can tell we both love the same things!"

"Hey, I just realized that you look a lot like my next girlfriend!"

These two pick-up lines accentuate the epitome of flirting in a nutshell: self-centeredness and lack of commitment.

Just say no to flirting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah girls fall rather for "if you look on your keyboard "U" and "I" are always next to each other...

I am only making a joke... for as funny as it sound all these lines are really a serious deal, for truly when shallow hunters use lines like this realize that they aren't actually original... and if they are you should prolly be more worried... You see a hunter is not necessarily someone with smooth words and amazing deer calls... and when your actual hunter is in the area it grieves him to hear such things... maybe because he doesn't have all the new deer calls or scent attractors... maybe the guy is poor, maybe he doesn't know how to use the calls (they really are hard to make work) maybe he is just so consumed by the beauty of the doe that the deer call falls out of his mouth... one thing you must know... if he want's you he will pursue.

Stupid deer calls...

Broken Hunter

Anonymous said...

I think, Pancake Woman, that this was your best lesson so far. It is indeed sad how many a doe has fallen prey to hunters who use these useless lines! Your wisdom amazes me...yet again.

Anonymous said...

Broken Hunter, you must admit that, while your "nerd" line is eloquent in its own way, the truly amazing bit of poetry that you heard from Spiffy Dee himself last night must take the cake...

While I agree with much our lovely Pancake Woman has said...the right pickup line, used by the right Hunter may just snag me, if used with precision and in humor...

Anonymous said...

Pancake Woman,

Have you ever tried peanut butter on your pancakes? What about pickles? I fear I have made a complete fool of myself wrestling the leaves. Whenever the hunter is near, I just say and do the most stupid things. What if he is not even hunting....I am a dork. HELP!

Dodo Doe