Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lesson Number Four: Do Not Use Another Hunter to Alert Your Hunter

Ah Ladies,

This is a serious topic. One that disturbs me greatly. But it is true. There are those of you that would use a hunter that you have absolutely so interest in, to get the hunter that you want. Not only is this low, unspeakably shameful, it is ANYTHING but camouflage. This is not rustling the leaves or cracking a couple reality you're sawing off a tree branch with a chainsaw! I mean, a deer on it's hind legs, chainsaw in hand... orange goggles taboot...uhh creepy?

You're breaking some guy's heart who you don't even desire. Oh this looks good, you alert the hunter you want alright, but he finds you with another hunter's blood on your hands??...or your paws or hooves...or whatever you call them. All I'm trying to say is: epitome of UNATTRACTIVE. Anything but alluring.

Suddenly, you're the hunter.

We aren't that desperate ladies! If we were, I would be writing this blog in vain. Jealousy is not the way into a man's heart...usually, it is the way out of it. A leaf rustle, a twig snap, does not involve any other hunters. No machinery. It is your own precious little hoof...hand, paw...whatever..putting pressure on some greenery, and lovingly saying: "Here I am, oh dear hunter - this way, darling!"

(I'm sure in the history log of the last 2,000 years there have been successful man-fetching by the cheatful way of HUNTING the poor men. But this is nothing to place your hopes and chances on...)

Your fellow leaf rustler,
The Pancake Woman


Anonymous said...

Dear Pancake Woman,

I have a predicament.

There are no hunters in sight!

What do I do?


Anonymous said...

This is oh so true... and oh the poor men who have been played... :heart breaks:

Anonymous said...

this is a sweet blog!! one question pancake woman - what if a deer jumps in front of you when your hunter finally sees you and aims? is there a rule among the deers on this subject that i am not aware of? because i think it is a shameful act.