Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lesson Number Two: Fluff and Retreat

Hello ladies!

Today I am going to talk about our leaf rustling method called "Fluff and Retreat". In my former post, I talked as if we were deer, frolicking through the wilds of that species called men. But in reality, we are human beings. And as human beings, hiding behind trees and drinking out of isolated brooks is a little extreme. But I think you got my metaphor and it's full meaning.

But now we're onto our next method! This method is called "Fluff and Retreat" because you are fluffing a man's ego and rapidly retreating. For instance...

Kemberly: Hi Tim! Playing football again?
Tim: Yeah...how'd you know?
K: Well I couldn't help noticing you have arms the size of a side of beef!
T: Well thanks -
K: And the posture of a gladiator in the days of Ceaser Augustus!
T: Oh, haha, well -
K: But anyways. Hair appointment! Catch you later!

See? You didn't stay and continue to fluff his ego, or wait for him to compliment you. You were mysterious. You were forward, but shy. Bold, but meek. Obvious, but sly. THAT my friends, is Fluffing and Retreating.

But you also must use tact as to when to fluff and retreat. For instance, if a young man is on the war path to the bathroom, or fingering the keys to his car, or flipping his phone open and shut. We don't want to appear like we're begging for attention or phone number, etc...

It's all about suave dearies. Calm, cool, collected. "Fluff and Retreat" is not coming out from under our camouflage, or even being the hunters. It is merely cracking the twigs.

Your fellow leaf rustler,
The Pancake Woman

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