Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lesson Number Six: 24/7 Rustling?

Deer Ladies,

Some of you may be wondering...must I rustle the leaves ALL the time? Morning, noon, and night?? Set your minds at rest. There are definitely times to take a break. And those times involve more than just you. Take a girl time! Or. A deer time.

This time not only gets you away from the monotonous task of alerting your hunters, it's a good bonding time with your fellow deer.

Plus, a sudden hush in the thicket is sure to cause some investigation....

"The hunter lowers his rifle. He listens. He smells the air. His heart thumps heavily in his chest. ::THUMP THUMP THUMP:: He advances slowly, quietly, toward the thick shrubbery. He stops. He listens. A bead of perspiration rolls down his leathery forehead. He quickly wipes it with a rough hand. He advances some more. He looks this way and that, not wanting some rabid deer to jump him. ::THUMP THUMP THUMP:: Calm down! He tells his heart. Finally, he reaches the thicket. Slowly, with a shaking hand, he carefully pushes aside the greenery, rifle ready to spring to action. He peeks around the branches into the tiny clearing. The shrubbery sways with the breeze.

Nothing. Just...nothing.

The hunter hangs his head for a moment. Gone. The deer gone. Just like that. Wait. He lifts his head. A smile crosses his handsome features. He will find her. He will hunt her down. He will woo her. Patting the butt of his rifle, he turns westward. A way into a deers heart is a determined hunter..."

See? Hunters love a challenge!! If we aren't always available, then we're playing hard-to-get. And they love it! Part of camouflage deeries. Part of camouflage.

So break open the popcorn and twizzlers and spend some time with your girl friends - er - deers! Away from the hunters. Stop rustling, stop crackling twigs. Stop revolving every moment of your life around the hunter. Leaf rustling is vital to a girl getting her man. But like anything else, you need some refreshment. A little break here and there...

So. I give you permission to take it. ;)

Your fellow leaf rustler,
The Pancake Woman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must agree with your words of wisdom... There is nothing more mysterious and exciting than the idea that what's going on is something we have never heard or seen before... It truly does set our hearts towards the doe of our dream, we apply bug spray and wipe our brows and set again on to the hunt!

Broken Hunter