Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lesson Number Eight: Speculation

(This comic really has nothing to do with my topic...hee ho.)

Deer Ladies,

Have you ever had a deer tell you to stop alluring a hunter because they think that that hunter has no interest? Or a doe dead set that a hunter was aiming their rifle at you, and they insist you snap a twig this week instead of just rustling the leaves? Or a doe telling you that you're not mature enough to even consider a hunter? Or a doe telling you that you're more than ready to pursue the hunter of your dreams? And has their so called wisdom ever turned out to be false, and actually complicate the situation so much, that you wish you could crawl under a rock and DIE??

This doe may have given you these false "facts" unknowingly...but that's just it. It was un-verified information. This is called "speculation".

According to the handy dandy Dictionary.com:

spec⋅u⋅la⋅tion - [spek-yuh-ley-shuhn]

the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
2. a single instance or process of consideration.
3. a conclusion or opinion reached by such contemplation: These speculations are impossible to verify.
4. conjectural consideration of a matter; conjecture or surmise: a report based on speculation rather than facts.

But let me clarify. I'm not talking about speculating whether or not you should buy tamatoe juice or plum juice because the nutrition facts aren't listed and you sure don't want to buy the one that has more sugar... I'm talking about drawing conclusions about two people and their feelings and emotions with no evidence of either.

Now, when there's evidence - and by evidence I mean EVIDENCE - then there's the fun of seeing what destiny has in store and that you're having a peek into it. But don't ruin the chances of a doe and hunter by your foolish speculations, and don't ruin your own chances by taking everyone's advice.

I'm not saying that wisdom from other's is a bad thing. It is a good thing! But foolish speculation is not wisdom. So avoid it at all costs by airing on the side of caution and make sure your sources are reliable. The "if only's!!!" in relationships between deer and hunters are what get us in trouble. Don't run away from your emotions - they're natural, and you have to fall in love someday. But harness them and be careful who you share them with. Speculation isn't wrong in itself - it's what it can sometimes produce.

Your fellow leaf rustler,
The Pancake Woman

(Be looking for my next post about Pre-Rustling!)